"Flat Affect" is a psychological condition in which a person can't feel their own emotions. This disorder may be temporary or it can become long-term. Doctor Teo is heading a talk-therapy group for people with Flat Affect. He's devised a new form of therapy that may help a patient experience strong emotions. He asks Penelope to take off all her clothes, to see if this stimulates an emotional response. Penelope's emotions awaken about halfway through the process of undressing. She begins to feel self-conscious. A shy, embarrassed smile comes and goes as she struggles with her emerging emotions. The therapy is working! Not only is she feeling genuine strong emotions, but as Penelope's breasts are revealed, the men in the group are starting to feel emotions too! Counselor Teo ends the session early so that everybody can go home and enjoy their new feelings about having seen Penelope naked.