Let's play a naughty game, on easy mode. Even the naughtiest little perverts need a mild introduction sometimes. You pick the room in your house, the only true requirements are - she's home. And no headphones. I've made it clear my power is as strong over you whether I'm speaking sternly or practically silent, today I will demonstrate that for real. My gorgeous face and green eyes get that cock throbbing, and as you stroke and get weaker, I coax you into raising the volume little by little, until it's all the way up and you're leaking. I strip you completely naked and make you kneel as you pump. You could be caught at any moment, the fate of your life residing in my hands entirely. It's so tempting to shout out, to call out for her so she can come to see what a good little pet you are for me... now the question is, will I refrain from fucking up your life? Even I won't know for sure until the game is over...